Ilustrasi Permohonan Surat Pembaca Refund AirAsia Lama, Pembatalan Flight akibat Erupsi Gunung Agung sejak 30-11-2017 15 Januari 2018 MHarun Ar Rosyid 3 Komentar AirAsia, Maskapai Penerbangan, Pembatalan penerbangan, Refund, Transportasi Udara Ikuti kami di Google Berita Dear Air Asia, Berikut kronologinya: 1. Penerbangan AirAsia DPS-SUB tanggal 30 November 2017 di-cancel oleh pihak Air Asia melalui sms tanggal 30-11-2017 pukul 0:48 WITA. Berikut sms-nya: “Dear Guest, Your AirAsia booking code EMNQMG flight XT7625 from DPS to SUB on 30Nov17 cancelled due to Mount Agung Activity. Please check your email for details” 2. Sebelumnya tanggal 28-11-2017 saya membuat laporan permintaan refund di website Air Asia dengan nomor pelaporan 00705908. 3. Tanggal 8-12-2017 saya mendapat email dari dengan judul subject “00705908 – Muhammad Harun Ar Rosyid [ ref:_00D7F2WjH._5007F7WInk:ref ]”. Email ini berisi: “Dear Guest, With regards to your refund request for booking number due to flight cancellation, kindly reconfirm which option request for refund for this booking as flight XT 7625 DPS-SUB (30 NOV 17) is affected due to Mount Agung Volcano Activity. Service Recovery Options: Option 1: Move flight: Change to a new travel date on the same route within 30 calendar days from original flight date without additional cost and subject to seat availability; OR Option 2: Credit Account: Retain the value of fare in a credit account for future travel with AirAsia. The online Credit Account to be redeemed within 90 calendar days from the date of issue; OR Option 3: Full Refund: Obtain a full refund in the amount equivalent to your booking Kindly reply to this email using the same email subject to confirm with us which option do you want us to proceed. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to serve you better in the future. Best regards, AirAsia  ref:_00D7F2WjH._5007F7WInk:ref” 4. Hari itu juga (8-12-2017) email tersebut saya balas dengan isi: “Dear AirAsia. I want to choose OPTION 3 for this service recovery option. Please transfer my full refund to my banking account : – Bank Name : Bank Muamalat Indonesia – No. Acct : 710xxxxxxx – Name Acct : Muhammad Harun Ar Rosyid – Bank Transfer Code : 147 – SWIFT Code : MUABIDJA Thanks for your attention. Regards, Harun Sent from my smartphone” 5. Tanggal 3-1-2018 saya telepon ke customer care AirAsia menanyakan terkait refund saya tersebut, namun jawabannya hanya disuruh menunggu saja. Katanya 30 hari kerja. 6. Hingga tulisan ini saya buat (14-1-2018) belum ada kabar apapun dari pihak Air Asia terkait laporan saya tersebut. Saya email balas ke pun tidak ada respon balik. Intinya, saya ingin kejelasan sebagai konsumen kepada pihak Air Asia terkait laporan refund saya tersebut karena penerbangan di-cancel oleh pihak maskapai bukan dari pihak penumpang/saya. Mohon kerja sama dan profesionalismenya. Thanks. Muhammad Harun Ar Rosyid Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur Artikel ini adalah buatan pengguna dan menjadi tanggung jawab penulisnya.
AirAsia Support15 Januari 2018 - (08:24 WIB)Permalink Hi, Referring to booking EMNQMG. Our team has received your request and they are in the midst of processing this for you. Kindly allow them to further process this and the amount will be refunded back to you accordingly. We had assist to highlight this to >> Login untuk Membalas
AirAsia Support15 Januari 2018 - (08:24 WIB)Permalink >> the respective team for them to expedite the process. Thanks – Nod Login untuk Membalas
Satya Waskita15 Januari 2018 - (21:22 WIB)Permalink Hehehe tampaknya @AirAsiaSupport kekurangan tim layanan pelanggan (CS) berbahasa Indonesia ??.. boleh daftar? … Tapi keren lah ??mau nanggapi surat pembaca meski sy musti buka gugel trenslet dulu ?? Login untuk Membalas